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mode checking中文是什么意思

用"mode checking"造句"mode checking"怎么读"mode checking" in a sentence


  • 模式检验


  • Authority procedure in dedicate mode checks the ms ' s validity , and if it is valid , a safe cipher key for the use of channel encrypting is given
  • Run web service in iis 5 . 0 isolation mode check box to select either iis 5 . 0 isolation mode or worker process isolation mode , respectively
    在“隔离模式”下,选中“以iis 5 . 0隔离模式运行web服务”复选框以选择iis 5 . 0隔离模式,或者清除该复选框以选择辅助进程隔离模式
用"mode checking"造句  
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